27 de Enero

De SpongePedia
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El 27 de enero es el vigesimoséptimo día del año en el calendario gregoriano. Quedan 338 días para finalizar el año y 339 en los años bisiestos.


Eventos ficticios

  • 2000: Comienzo del dia de la elección del empleado del mes. Bob Esponja y Calamardo pelean por el premio. Tercer aniversario de la eleccion de empleado del mes. (Empleado del mes)
Este articulo es del mundo real y no del mundo de Bob Esponja como la mayoría de SpongePedia

Eventos reales

  • 1969: Nace Patton Oswalt.
  • 2009: Se lanza el DVD de Spongicus.


Linea del tiempo
Años 1947 - 1957 - 1961 - 1969 - 1974 - 1975 - 1986 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2001 - 2002 -2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
Meses Enero - Febrero - Marzo - Abril- Mayo - Junio - Julio - Agosto - Septiembre - Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre
Fechas Categoria Principal: Fechas
Vease Tambien: PersonajesEpisodiosLugaresDoblaje

Biometric Classroom Monitors Students Eye Movements And Conversations

A report from Yahoo News Tuesday detailed a group of New York engineers who are developing a biometric classroom monitoring program that will track students every move. The report reads: Students listen up! If you are used to passing notes, tapping out texts or even sneaking in quick conversations when youre supposed to be working on fractionsbeware! ...
[Biometric Classroom Monitors Students Eye Movements And Conversations]

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Some health insurance gets pricier as Obamacare rolls out

Chad Terhune LA Times October 27, 2013 Thousands of Californians are discovering whatObamacarewill cost them and many dont like what they see. These middle-class consumers are staring at hefty increases on their insurance bills as the overhaul remakes the healthcare market. Their rates are rising in large part to help offset the higher costs of covering sicker, ...
[Some health insurance gets pricier as Obamacare rolls out ]

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Video: Blueprint For Americas Destruction

Anthony Gucciardi joins The Alex Jones Show to discuss the continued downfall of the United States. Foreign governments are adopting the very principals that made the US the worlds beacon of prosperity while America drowns in a sea of increasing tyranny. 
[Video: Blueprint For Americas Destruction]

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New Mesh Network Documents Confirm Police Vehicles Real-Time Access To DHS Spy Cameras

Following bombshell documents released by Storyleak and Infowars last Tuesday uncovering Seattles expansive $2.6 million Homeland Security funded mesh network surveillance grid, new documents hidden deep inside the 2012 proposal request (# DIT-2996) give even greater detail into the governments ability to track and database virtually any person. After local ...
[New Mesh Network Documents Confirm Police Vehicles Real-Time Access To DHS Spy Cameras]

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Special Report: We Are Winning The Battle Against Evil

The following is a special message from todays Storyleak newsletter sent out by Anthony Gucciardi. We Are Winning, And Its Thanks to You. Anthony Gucciardi here with a special message that I believe is absolutely essential to transmit to you during our struggle against corruption and deception. Amid all of the madness that we face on a daily basis, from the ...
[Special Report: We Are Winning The Battle Against Evil]

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Herramientas personales
Espacios de nombres

Bob Esponja