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== Your Life Is What You Make It ==
If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise. Robert Fritz
[[http://goodvillenews.com/Your-Life-Is-What-You-Make-It-aTRqC9.html Your Life Is What You Make It]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== The Second Glance ==
Have you ever cringed at the sight of a human being who is physically disfigured? David Roche, who was born with a facial disfigurement, spent years trying to hide from himself. At middle age, he discovered his inner beauty, his spirit and his strength, and he has dedicated his life to helping all people find the inner beauty within themselves and in others.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/The-Second-Glance-FDzaku.html The Second Glance]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== 13 Things You Should Do To Live Life Without Regrets ==
A study that was performed on elderly individuals a few years back, has shown that during old age, there are many people who regret the things they didnt have the courage to do as opposed to only a few who had regrets about the things theyve done.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/13-Things-You-Should-Do-To-Live-Life-Without-Regrets-DyXsux.html 13 Things You Should Do To Live Life Without Regrets]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== Seeking Silence & Stillness in the Rush of Business Life ==
Pico Iyer -- essayist, author, travel writer and thinker -- has a unique perspective on many things. His physical domain ranges from California (where he lived as a child) and England (where he studied) to Cuba, North Korea and Ethiopia (which he visited) and Japan (where he resides). His mental domain knows no limiting boundaries. In this interview with Wharton associate dean and chief information officer Deirdre Woods and Knowledge@Wharton
[[http://goodvillenews.com/Seeking-Silence-Stillness-in-the-Rush-of-Business-Life-LCK85X.html Seeking Silence & Stillness in the Rush of Business Life]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== 7 Essential Books on Optimism ==
Every once in a while, we all get burned out. Sometimes, charred. And while a healthy dose of cynicism and skepticism may help us get by, its in those times that we need nothing more than to embrace lifes promise of positivity with open arms. Here are seven wonderful books that help do just that with an arsenal ranging from the light visceral stimulation of optimistic design to the serious neuroscience findings about our proclivity for the positive.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/7-Essential-Books-on-Optimism-6pgcLt.html 7 Essential Books on Optimism]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]

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Bob Esponja