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==  Kenya vows no Somalia pullout after Shebab attack  ==
Peter Martel AFP September 28, 2013 NAIROBI:Kenyahas vowed not to bow to Shebab threats of more attacks if troops are not pulled out of Somalia, following a devastating mall attack inNairobiby the Al-Qaeda-linked insurgents. We went toSomaliabecause Al-Shebab was a threat to national security We will continue to take action on that front until our security ...
[[http://7spies.com/-Kenya-vows-no-Somalia-pullout-after-Shebab-attack--K10pyV.html  Kenya vows no Somalia pullout after Shebab attack ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  Thousands protest press credibility in march against mainstream media  ==
RT November 17, 2013 Thousands of people in the UK and US united in their rejection of mainstream media in a mass protest. Protesters targeted the headquarters of media giants like Fox News, the BBC and NBS, decrying their narrow coverage of world affairs. The March Against Mainstream Media (MAMM) organized the international protest via social media and challenged the ...
[[http://7spies.com/-Thousands-protest-press-credibility-in-march-against-mains-DkI9.html  Thousands protest press credibility in march against mainstream media ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  Jay-Zs Magna Carta Mobile App Collects an Insane Amount of Data From its Users  ==
Vigilant Citizen July 8, 2013 When it was announced that Jay-Zs new album would be released in partnership with Samsung, some fans grumbled about him selling out. Well, things are a lot worse than just him selling out to the corporate world. The app that was created to enable Samsung users to listen to Jay-Zs album a few days in advance is a true data-...
[[http://7spies.com/-Jay-Zs-Magna-Carta-Mobile-App-Collects-an-Insane-Amount-of-2fQg.html  Jay-Zs Magna Carta Mobile App Collects an Insane Amount of Data From its Users ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
== Parents Defeat Schools Attempt To Implement Infrared Palm Scanners ==
Parents from Washington states Puyallup School District successfully ended the implementation of palm-scanners this week after attempts to push the system without parental approval backfired. According to the district, the devices, which use infrared technology to map vein patterns in students palms, would cut back on fraud by linking students pre-paid lunch ...
[[http://7spies.com/Parents-Defeat-Schools-Attempt-To-Implement-Infrared-Palm-Sc-enM.html Parents Defeat Schools Attempt To Implement Infrared Palm Scanners]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
== Common Core: Sixth Graders Asked To Revise Outdated Bill Of Rights ==
Sixth grade students from the Bryant School District in Arkansas were asked to throw out two amendments in the Bill of Rights as part of a Common Core history class assignment. The worksheet reads: The government of the United States is currently revisiting The Bill of Rights. They have determined that it is outdated and may not remain in its current form any ...
[[http://7spies.com/Common-Core-Sixth-Graders-Asked-To-Revise-Outdated-Bill-Of-R-INj.html Common Core: Sixth Graders Asked To Revise Outdated Bill Of Rights]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]

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Bob Esponja