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== EDWARD SNOWDEN: Man of the Year ==
Alternative News Media Would Confer Highest Honor On Edward Snowden If It Had One No one in modern history single-handedly altered the geo-political chessboard of the world so radically and quickly as did Edward Snowden. In short, the man is a GIANT. He is also a giant killer in the same exalted category as David felling Goliath, only Edward is MUCH bigger...
[[http://7spies.com/EDWARD-SNOWDEN-Man-of-the-Year-KSJS8k.html EDWARD SNOWDEN: Man of the Year]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  Space cannon ready: Japan to shoot asteroid for samples in 2014 mission  ==
RT October 22, 2013 A unique space cannon developed for Japans Hayabusa 2 spacecraft has successfully test-fired on Earth in preparation for a 2014 mission. During its upcoming journey into space, the cannon will blast an asteroid and mine samples of its soil. The test took place in the Japanese prefecture of Gifu, paving the way for the Hayabusa 2 spacecraft to extract ...
[[http://7spies.com/-Space-cannon-ready-Japan-to-shoot-asteroid-for-samples-in-Pf1a8.html  Space cannon ready: Japan to shoot asteroid for samples in 2014 mission ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
==  Space cannon ready: Japan to shoot asteroid for samples in 2014 mission  ==
RT October 22, 2013 A unique space cannon developed for Japans Hayabusa 2 spacecraft has successfully test-fired on Earth in preparation for a 2014 mission. During its upcoming journey into space, the cannon will blast an asteroid and mine samples of its soil. The test took place in the Japanese prefecture of Gifu, paving the way for the Hayabusa 2 spacecraft to extract ...
[[http://7spies.com/-Space-cannon-ready-Japan-to-shoot-asteroid-for-samples-in-Pf1a8.html  Space cannon ready: Japan to shoot asteroid for samples in 2014 mission ]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
== Police Beat Elderly Deaf Man For Refusing Orders ==
An elderly deaf Oklahoma man was beat by two highway patrol troopers earlier this month for allegedly refusing to comply during a traffic stop. Pearlpearson.com According to reports, 64-year-old Pearl Pearson left the scene of a minor automobile accident before being pulled over by Oklahoma Highway Patrol on January 3. After issuing several vocal commands from their ...
[[http://7spies.com/Police-Beat-Elderly-Deaf-Man-For-Refusing-Orders-dkknqE.html Police Beat Elderly Deaf Man For Refusing Orders]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]
== Its Official, Everyone Is Now A Terrorist According to The US Government ==
Its official, every single American can now be classified as a terrorist by the US government. The label of terrorist no longer applies to members of al-Qaeda of extremists, but the average citizen of this nation. And I can show you how literally 100% of the population can be classified as a terrorist under the truly outrageous Department of Homeland ...
[[http://7spies.com/Its-Official-Everyone-Is-Now-A-Terrorist-According-to-The-US-JLi.html Its Official, Everyone Is Now A Terrorist According to The US Government]]
[[http://'.GetDomainName().'/wk.html '.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]]

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Bob Esponja