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[[Archivo:Taxi-kumpelblase.jpg|thumb|[[Amigo Burbuja]], [[Calamardo]] y [[Bob Esponja Pantalones Cuadrados|Bob Esponja]] en [[Bubblestand (Episodio)|Bubblestand]]<br>''© Viacom'']]
[[Archivo:Taxi-kumpelblase.jpg|thumb|[[Amigo Burbuja]], [[Calamardo]] y [[Bob Esponja Pantalones Cuadrados|Bob Esponja]] en [[Bubblestand (Episodio)|Bubblestand]]<br>''© Viacom'']]
'''Amigo Burbuja''' (''Bubble Friend ingl.'') es un amigo que [[Bob Esponja Pantalones Cuadrados|Bob Esponja]] creo por medio de [[Soplar Burbujas|soplar burbujas]] cuando nadie quería jugar con el.Ha aparecido en dos episodios.
'''Amigo Burbuja''' (''Bubble Friend ingl.'') es un amigo que [[Bob Esponja Pantalones Cuadrados|Bob Esponja]] creo por medio de [[Soplar Burbujas|soplar burbujas]] cuando nadie quería jugar con el.
== Apariciones ==
== Apariciones ==
*{{Aparición 1|Archivo:23b Bubble Buddy.jpg|Bubble Buddy}}
*{{Aparición 1|Archivo:23b Bubble Buddy.jpg|Bubble Buddy}}
[[Bubble Buddy Returns (Episodio)]]
== Video: Salon Attacks Ron Paul for Calling Out Syrian False Flag Attack ==
Salon has gone on the offensive against Ron Paul and other conspiracy-prone thinkers following an article on Storyleak that revealed the former Congressman had labeled the Syrian chemical attacks as a false flag initiative to launch war. A notion that a large number of prominent figures are now confirming and re-iterating, showing just how behind the ...
[[http://7spies.com/Video-Salon-Attacks-Ron-Paul-for-Calling-Out-Syrian-False-Fl-DIF.html Video: Salon Attacks Ron Paul for Calling Out Syrian False Flag Attack]]
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==  TSA Pat-Down At DIA Leads To Sex Assault Investigation  ==
Brian Maass CBS 4 January 16, 2014 Denver police have initiated a sexual assault investigation focused on Transportation Security Administration officers at a checkpoint at Denver International Airport. It comes after a Colorado woman filed a complaint saying the frisking she received amounted to a sexual assault. Full story here.
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==  Police under fire over arbitrary terror arrests at UK borders  ==
Paul Peachey London Independent August 24, 2013 Scotland Yard faces legal action over its use of wide-ranging terrorism laws to question people at airports, after refusing to hand over the results of investigations into the alleged misuse of these powers by its officers. Britains biggest force has been given a seven-day ultimatum by the police watchdog to hand over its ...
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==  Fish Eat Plastic from Polluted Oceans, Travels up Food Chain & Harms Humans  ==
Elizabeth Renter Prison Planet.com November 26, 2013 Pollution of our planets oceans is a serious matter. Floating garbage is a common sight whether you are on the beach or adrift in the midst of the sea. But much of this pollution is actually in the form of small, confetti-sized particles.These small pollution particles are being consumed by fish and eventually ...
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==  Only a FOOL Still Believes the NSA  ==
Washingtons Blog January 14, 2013 The NSA and other intelligence officials have beenrepeatedly caught lying about their spying programs. Officials in the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government all say that the mass surveillance on Americans is unnecessary: 3 Senators withtop secret clearancehave reviewed this surveillance extensively and ...
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Bob Esponja